What is the Low Eosinophil Count?
This Article is about What is the Low Eosinophil Count. If you are interested to know about What is the Low Eosinophil Count must read this article carefully.
An eosinophil count measured the number of eosinophils in the blood.
Eosinophils are just a type of white blood cell that fights infection. The most typical diagnoses for this illness are –
- Malignancy
- Allergic reaction
- Parasite infection
A ( white blood count ) WBC will measure Trusted Source the number of:
- eosinophils
- basophils
- neutrophils
- lymphocytes
- T cells
- B cells
According to the Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders, the expected range for eosinophils is 0–450 eosinophils per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood.
The presence of certain health conditions can affect Trusted Source a person’s eosinophil count. Eosinophil levels cannot diagnose a disease, but they can signal a problem that needs further investigation.
Causes shown here are commonly associated with low eosinophils. Work with your doctor or another health care professional to get an accurate diagnosis.
For example, a high concentration of eosinophils in the indicate of an allergic reaction to food or dust. It can indicate that eosinophils have gathered in an area to fight off a threat, real or perceived.
Types of Eosinophilia
Among the eosinophilic disorders are:
- Eosinophilic cystitis is a condition of the bladder.
- Eosinophilic fasciitis is a condition of the fascia, the tissue that runs through your body.
- The condition known as eosinophilic pneumonia affects your lungs.
- Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders (EGID) are illnesses that affect your colon, stomach, and small intestine.
- Eosinophilic esophagitis affects your oesophagus.
- Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA).
- Churg-Strauss syndrome is a condition that affects your heart, sinuses, lungs, and other organs.
Rare disorders known as hypereosinophilic syndrome are characterized by persistently elevated eosinophilia. The heart, central nervous system, skin, and respiratory system are the most common systems affected by this syndrome.
In rare cases, eosinophil low count may also result from certain causes. A low eosinophil count has no overt symptoms. Your doctor can suggest additional tests if the results of a blood test are abnormal and do not fall within the usual range.
A person with low eosinophil levels is not likely to experience any symptoms. Their levels are generally low, with most adults having less than 500Trusted Source cells per μL of blood.
However, a person may notice symptoms associated with an underlying condition affecting their counts. For example, a person with Cushing’s syndrome may experience weight gain in their face, midsection, or back of their neck, general fatigue, or easy bruising, among other symptoms.
Lower numbers of eosinophil levels could be potentially fatal. According to a 2016 study, lower levels of eosinophil and other WBCs increase the short-term risk of heart failure and coronary-related death.
Here are Low eosinophil levels have several potential causes, includes as below :
Infections : When there is an acute infection, several substances are secreted to attract eosinophils from blood to affected tissues. This causes blood eosinophil levels to drop rapidly. A complete absence of eosinophils is also seen in serious infections such as sepsis.

Certain medications use: Medications that suppress the immune system or cause damage to the bone marrow may lead to a low number of eosinophils. Not having enough eosinophils can make it difficult for the body to fight infection effectively, especially infections caused by parasites.
Cushing’s syndrome: Cushing’s syndrome occurs after a person is exposed to high cortisol levels for a long time, either due to an underlying health condition or long-term cortisol therapy. Cortisol suppresses the immune system and lowers eosinophil levels in the blood .
Alcohol misuse: Alcohol misuse may impact the levels of eosinophils, and other WBCs, causing them to drop. This can reduce other disease states that the body’s immune system response to infections .
Low eosinophil levels may not need treatment. If a doctor suspects a medication is causing the problem, they may recommend changing medications.
Due to A doctor will likely recommend treatment if eosinopenia is an underlying condition. For example, sepsis is a serious condition and a leading cause of death worldwide, with than 40%Trusted Source mortality rate greater .
To treat sepsis, a doctor may suggest steroids to help control inflammation. Other treatments may include antibiotics and blood pressure medications.
What do the results mean?
Typical results
A typical blood sample reading in adults will show fewer than 500Trusted Source eosinophil cells per microliter (mL) of blood. In children, eosinophil levels vary with age.
Atypical results
If there are more than 500 eosinophil cells per microliter, then it means that you have a disease/disorder knwon as eosinophilia. It can be classified as milk (500-1500 per microliter), moderate (1500 to 5000 per microliter) or severe if it is greater than 5000 per microliter.
Healthcare professionals classify eosinophilia into one of three categories. These includeTrusted Source:
- mild (500–1,500 eosinophil cells per mL)
- moderate (1,500–5,000 eosinophil cells per mL)
- severe (greater than 5,000 eosinophil cells per mL)
Eosinophilia can occur due to any of the following:
infection by parasitic worms
- autoimmune disease
- severe allergic reactions
- eczema
- asthma
- seasonal allergies
- leukemia and certain other cancers
- ulcerative colitis
- scarlet fever
- lupus
- Crohn’s disease
- a significant drug reaction
- an organ transplant rejection
A low eosinophil count could be because due to the intoxication of alcohol an elevated level in the production of cortisol such as the Cushing’s disease.
Cortisol is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body and low eosinophil counts can be related to the time of the day as well. Normally, their levels are lowest in the morning and can get higher as the day progresses, reaching its peak somewhere in the evening.
Unless the Cushing’s disease or alcohol abuse is seen as a reason, low levels are not generally a concern. Only if the other WBC counts are low, it can signal a problem in a person’s bone marrow.
Frequently asked questions list
- What causes eosinophil levels to rise?
Answer : Three infection such as Bacteria , fungal and viral infection typically cause eosinopenia and may suppress eosinophilia from other causes. An important exception is HIV infection. Numerous studies have demonstrated an increasingly risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, in travelers.
- What are eosinophils, and what do they do?
Answer : Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell. They plays a key function in the immune system. They act to defeat pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. They also react to perceived threats, for example, during an allergic reaction. While essential for defending the body, their activity can cause inflammation. This can sometimes lead to further issues.
- What is an eosinophil count?
Answer : A blood test will show a person’s eosinophil count. A low count is not usually a cause for concern, but a count of over 500 mm3 Trusted Source may indicate an underlying health problem. Sometimes, a doctor may take a issue sample to test for eosinophils.
- Is 0 eosinophils normal?
Answer : Doctors do not usually consider eosinopenia a matter of concern, person can be healthy with zero eosinophils. However, some research suggests that eosinophil levels below 69 mm3 could indicate a health problem, such as sepsis and certain other infections.
- What are the symptoms of eosinophils?
Answer : The symptoms of eosinophils are –
- Common symptoms include:
- Rash.
- Itching.
- Diarrhea, in the case of parasite infections.
- Asthma.
- Runny nose, particularly if associated with allergies.
- A chronic eosinophilia cough2